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Increase Upper Body Power

Combine your normal workout with our muscle stim workout designed specifically for helping you increase your upper body strength. Increasing your upper body power will help you perform better in football, lifting, tennis and more. Prioritize the muscle groups you want to strengthen and focus on your traps/shoulders, upper arms, lats and abs. As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.

Increasing Your Upper Body Benefits These Sports

Targeted Muscle Group: Traps


Strength - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.


Active Recover, Recover Plus, Pre-Warm Up
trap electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Upper Arms

Compex Mode For Strength:

Strength - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
upper arm electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Lats

Compex Mode For Strength:

Strength - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
lat electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Abs

Compex Mode For Strength:

Endurance - 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
ab electrode placement