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Glute Electrode Placement

In just a few short steps, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of your Compex® Muscle Stimulator and TENS device.

Where to Place Electrodes for Your Glutes

The Compex® electrode placement for the glutes uses one 2x4 electrode and two 2x2 pads. You can also use two 2x4 electrodes. Place the 2x4 electrode vertically behind the juncture of the hip bone. To find the correct placement spot, find the hip joint and trace the back an inch. Next, place the 2x2 electrodes, one above the other, across the back of the glute spanning as much the muscle as possible.

If using a wired Compex® device, the line of action is horizontal meaning one lead cable will run across the top, and the other lead cable will run along the bottom.

If using the Compex® Wireless device, the electrode set up is the same with the current running horizontally.

Note: Usually you place the Compex® electrodes directly onto the skin, but for the video, shorts are used.

DJO Global, Inc. disclaims all responsibility for electrodes positioned in any other manner.

Electrode Placement Instructional Video

Working out with Compex

Step-by-step instruction to maximize your training with Compex electric muscle stimulator.

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Individual results may vary. The videos give a recommendation on achieving a 7/10 when adjusting the intensity. Please note that all progressions selected should be based on the individual's activity level, which will be different for first use compared to continued use. Please be sure to read the user guide completely, and are aware of the progressions based on your activity level.