Compex Meets... George Loufekis
Compex: Hey George, great to meet with you - please give our readers a snapshot of you and your background?
George: Hello Compex! I am from Greece, and have mostly lived in Athens. I am affiliated to Compex Greece Team. Since I was 12 years old, I have been training in the track & field sport.
Along with my athlete career, I am coaching other athletes who want to improve their level, or be competitive athletes. I lead a crew of multi-sport athletes, providing them with the programming and guidance needed.
Compex: Wow, sounds like you're a busy guy, George? What sport do you do and how did you get into it?
George: Two years ago, I decided to challenge myself again and I started trail running, road running and Duathlon.
I've been fortunate enough to collect many achievements in my career, and have been ranked among the best athletes in road, stadium and mountain races. It is a fact that these different running fields are difficult to be combined in such a competitive level.
I would definitely highlight my presence for more than 10 times, among the 6 best athletes of the National Track & Field Championship, including certain Duathlon championships.
Recently I was nominated for the 2nd place at the ‘National Mountain Race Championship’. This podium place, gave me the ticket to the ‘European Mountain Championship’ in Switzerland on July 2019.
During the last 5 years, I have won a podium place in literally all races I have been competing (more than 15 races per year).
I enjoy challenging myself in running in every field, in any way. Just name the race.
Compex: Your consistency over the years has been admirable! How does Compex Muscle Stim help you to find a competitive edge?
George: Along with the super effective recovery, one the biggest benefits of Compex is that you can improve your muscle strength in a short time period, avoiding the skeletal strain that can come with lifting weights.
You can also workout all muscle groups separately, which is very important as Trail Running requires very strong legs, as well as core stabilization.
Personally, I am using a different strengthening program for every muscle group, depending on the needs of the upcoming race or target each time.
Compex: Which program/s do you use?
George: I certainly use the most widespread recovery programs, which are Competition Recovery and Reduce Muscle Soreness. Recently, I have been a great fan of Cramp Prevention.
After demanding trainings, races and muscle pain in specific muscle groups, I always use TENS – Pain Management. Especially in trail running, while running downhill, the leg tendons are highly stressed. In such cases, Compex has great results.
While training with Compex, I use different programs for all muscle groups, depending on the needs of the upcoming race. In terms of a high level training, I would propose 2 strengthening programs, which will work out different type of muscles, in one training. E.g Explosive Strength & Endurance. Last but not least, I love Capillarisation.