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How to Train with Compex Muscle Stimulation

How to Train with Compex Muscle Stimulation

We're going to teach you about training with a Compex muscle stimulation device; what constiutes a training cycle, how to correctly find your maximum intensity, and the basics of Static and Dynamic training with Compex.

For building strength and muscle with Compex, we recommend using our range of Conditioning & Fitness programmes. These programmes feature in the Sport Range and Fit Range muscle stimulation devices.

For general strength and muscle building, we suggest using Resistance, Strength and Hypertrophy. If you want to learn more about the benefits of using muscle stimulation and how it works, please head to our Compex Muscle Stim 101 page.

To learn about other topics relating to muscle stimulation, please select a page from the dropdown menu below.

A Compex Training Cycle

When you have started these programmes and completed the warm up phase, perform your training exercises during the contraction phase marked red. This can be done with either Static or Dynamic exercise as appropriate to the user. Then, when the contraction phase finishes, and turns to blue, you have entered the relaxation phase. This is best done by relaxing the body or body part in focus during the session.

1 red phase + 1 blue phase = 1 complete training cycle of the programme.

Finding your Maximum Intensity

As mentioned above, for muscle building you need to be working at maximum intensity whilst maintaining high quality exercise. To do this, you need to resist the contraction, balancing the agonist and antagonist muscles. In the video below, see how the bicep and tricep are in balance.

Static Training with Compex muscle stimulation

We consider Static Training to be the foundation to start all strength training with Compex muscle stimulation.

For Static Training, you hold your body or body part in focus in the same position while the muscle is being stimulated by the muscle stimulation device.

For example: during the contraction (red) phase, you would stay in a squat position until the contraction phase is over.

We advise to start by doing 50% of the full programme at your maximum intensity (see video below) to begin with and then gradually increase the number of cycles over time. In time, you will be able to perform the full amount of cycles on the programme with minimal DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

You can find the current range of static Compex Approved training videos below:


Dynamic Training with Compex muscle stimulation

We consider Dynamic Training to be the step to evolve to once you are completing Static Training sessions with minimal DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

For Dynamic Training, lower the intensity to 50% of your static intensity as you will now be moving during the contraction phase and it is still very important to maintain high quality exercise.

For example: during the contraction (red) phase, perform 3 squats at a controlled pace until the contraction phase is over.

Here, we advise to start by doing 20% of the full programme to begin with. As you progress with dynamic training, we also suggest to only increase the % of programme you complete, or increase the in intensity, not both at the same time. We advise to try and increase by 10%, but it must suit the user.

In time, you will be able to perform the full amount of cycles on the programme with minimal DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

You can find the current range of dynamic Compex Approved training videos below:

Use our App for your Training Schedule

Download the Compex Coach App to assist with your training. The app will tell you the most efficient electrode placements for your workout on either Wireless or Wired device.

In addition to this, you can also schedule your Compex training sessions from within the App, helping you to keep to your workout plan.


Use the Compex Product Selector to find your device

Compex now offers a full range of recovery device solutions, with different products offering different methods, which can also be combined. It can be difficult to select the best recovery method, so we've put together a helpful chart to aid you in making the correct decision. We compare recovery effectiveness, costs, ease of use and more.

Let us help you find your perfect Compex product. Our product selector will help you find the best device to suit your needs.

All you need to do is answer a few questions and the product selector will do the rest.

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